The list of churches in the relevant municipalities is currently not complete. The Fondazione Isola del Romanico Sardegna is working to complete it as soon as possible.

Chiesa di Santa Lucia

Chiesa di Santa Lucia

The country church of Santa Lucia is located on an area characterised by an interesting continuity of use. In fact, a nuraghe and the remains of a probable Roman settlement confirm this. The place of worship itself preserves clear traces of the previous domination, including a mortuary stone embedded in the walls. Restored in the 1920s, the church was abandoned over the centuries and rebuilt on several occasions. On the same site, a place of worship may have been built between the 5th and 6th centuries AD, of which the narthex and southern side wall still remain. The façade, built of exposed local stone, is distinguished by its three entrances. Inside, the current floor plan, dating back to the 15th century, owes its shape to subsequent archaeological and restoration work. The presbytery, raised two steps above the nave, provides access to the sacristy. The plan The masonry, made of mixed stone, has been skilfully plastered and painted, while the trachyte stone pillars lend a robust character to the ensemble. On the right side of the church is the sacristy, while all around, in addition to the typical Cumbessias, is an important archaeological area. The latter reveals traces spanning a time span from the Nuragic period to the early Middle Ages.

Location: Solo


Address: Santa Lucia country church

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