Il Gioco didattico sul Medioevo sardo

A didactic game for schools based on knowledge of the Sardinian Middle Ages is currently being developed. As is well known, the history of the giudicati is not present in the ministerial teaching programmes for schools of all levels, which focus rather on the historical vicissitudes that characterised the history of Europe and the Mediterranean peoples. Certainly this context contributes to the lack of knowledge and historical indifference on the great cultural heritage represented by over 150 churches in Sardinia. It is essential to start with schools, going beyond ministerial programmes and using other forms of didactic attraction for students. The game will use an App that can interact with the digital blackboards that every school is now equipped with, activating a team competition that will consist of answering questions on history, architecture, traditions, historical figures, etc. based on knowledge of the Sardinian Middle Ages.

The game will first be produced as a prototype to be tested by a few schools, and later a wider production and widespread distribution in the regional school network is planned, so that it will become the heritage of all the children on our island. The objective is to broaden knowledge of the Middle Ages and the Romanesque heritage of the Island, certain that with knowledge will also increase awareness of the historical and architectural value that, as Sardinians, we have a duty to protect and enhance.