The list of churches in the relevant municipalities is currently not complete. The Fondazione Isola del Romanico Sardegna is working to complete it as soon as possible.

Chiesa Romanica di San Giovanni Battista

Chiesa Romanica di San Giovanni Battista

In Zerfaliu, the Church of St John the Baptist stands like a small architectural treasure chest dating back to the 13th century, encapsulating centuries of history. The structure is characterised by a single-nave apsidal hall, illuminated by single lancet windows with a characteristic cross shape. The architraved portal has concavities that once housed ceramic basins, a typical decorative element of Sardinian Romanesque architecture. At a period not precisely dated, the church underwent an extension towards the north, as evidenced by the different materials used in this part of the building. Recent restoration works have brought to light ancient tombs, some of them in stone, further emphasising the historical and archaeological value of this architectural gem. The presence of these burials not only enriches our understanding of the social function of the church over the centuries, but also offers valuable information on the funerary practices and community that gravitated around this sacred place.



Address: 09070 Zerfaliu, Province of Oristano

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