The list of churches in the relevant municipalities is currently not complete. The Fondazione Isola del Romanico Sardegna is working to complete it as soon as possible.


Guardians of history

promoters of beauty

La fondazione

The "Sardinia Island of the Romanesque" Foundation was created by the will of the Municipalities that hold the monumental heritage of Sardinian Romanesque architecture and the Itinera Romanica-Amici del Romanico Cultural Association, as well as by the contribution of ideas and experiences of the extended partnership. It represents the result of a constant, intense, long-term and fruitful collaboration with the island's Universities, Superintendencies, the Church and local institutions.This tangible work has taken concrete form with the participatory definition of this new body, aimed at preserving and promoting the articulated system of the Paths of Faith and its network of itineraries that are already the destination of significant flows of pilgrims and visitors.

A great festival dedicated to the art and architecture of the Italian Middle Ages. More than one hundred cathedrals, abbeys, monasteries and country churches in Sardinia, Sicily and Lombardy open their doors for the first edition of Italia Romanica. Guided tours, events and experiences dedicated to an extraordinary era interpreted by great sculptors, painters, architects and engineers who have left their mark on the history of Italian art.


21 – 22 September

28 – 29 September

05 – 06 October

12 – 13 October

Gli Itinerari del Romanico Sardo

In order to favour visits to the great Sardinian Romanesque Itinerary, which features over 150 surveyed sites, it was decided to create 14 sub-routes composed of churches located in the same territory, thus facilitating life for tourists who have chosen a specific place to spend their tourist experience in Sardinia, offering them a cultural tourism proposal in the vicinity of that territory. To this end, guides have been produced, edited by Professor Andrea Pala, lecturer in the History of Medieval Art at the University of Cagliari, aimed at the general public and developed between Romanesque itineraries in urban areas and in rural areas, between coastal areas and those in the interior of the island, promoting connecting dynamics between the different territories of Sardinia.

Browse the itineraries

Avviso esplorativo selezione nr. 1 esperto in ambito culturale e turistico

La Fondazione Sardegna Isola del Romanico nell’ambito delle attività del Centro Europeo di Documentazione del Romanico intende selezionare un esperto in ambito culturale turistico che sarà impiegato per la realizzazione di specifici progetti inerenti al sostegno delle attività di valorizzazione e divulgazione del patrimonio culturale del Romanico in Sardegna. Profilo e requisiti dell’esperto:Laurea magistrale ad indirizzo … Read more

Cantos Villamar 13 Dicembre

Villamar Chiesa di San Pietro 13 Dicembre Cantos e Sonos “I canti sardi natalizi e le musiche delle Launeddas”

La magica atmosfera del Natale si fonde con la tradizione musicale sarda in un evento unico che avrà luogo venerdì 13 dicembre 2024 alle ore 19:00 presso la suggestiva Chiesa romanica di San Pietro a Villamar. Il concerto, parte dell’iniziativa “Cantos e Sonos – Alla scoperta delle chiese romaniche della Sardegna”, vedrà protagonista il Coro … Read more


Visit the churches

Le chiese


Visit the churches


Visit the churches


Visit the churches


Visit the churches